Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Adapter Pattern


Adapter structural design pattern is a bridge between two incompatible interfaces by converting the interface of a class into another interface that a client expects. It is useful when integrating legacy components with new systems or when creating a reusable library.


It has four key actors (1) Target Interface (2) Adapter (3) Adaptee (4) Client.

1. Target interface is the common interface that the client code interacts with.

2. Adapter is a bridge to adapt the interface of the adaptee to match the target interface.

3. Adaptee is existing system with an incompatible interface to be integrated into new system

4. Client is unaware of the specific implementation of the adaptee and the adapter.


Adapter implements the ITarget interface and translates request method to the SpecificRequest method of the Adaptee. The client code interacts with the adapter.


// Target Interface

public interface ITarget


    string Request();


// Adaptee

public class Adaptee


    public string SpecificRequest()


        return "Adaptee's specific request";



// Adapter

public class Adapter : ITarget


    private readonly Adaptee _adaptee;

    public Adapter(Adaptee adaptee)


        _adaptee = adaptee;


    public string Request()


        return _adaptee.SpecificRequest();



// Client

public class Client


    public void Execute(ITarget target)





// Usage

class Program


    static void Main()


        Adaptee adaptee = new Adaptee();

        ITarget adapter = new Adapter(adaptee);

        Client client = new Client();






  • Reusability: Allows the reuse of existing client code with new systems.
  • Decoupling: Decouples the client from the specific implementation of the payment gateways.
  • Flexibility: Makes it easy to switch between different implementations without modifying the client code.


  • When you need to use an existing class but its interface is not compatible with the rest of your code.
  • When you want to create a reusable class that can work with unrelated or unforeseen classes.


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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Insight 2024


Trimble Insight 2024 is an event designed to showcase the latest advancements in Trimble's technology and solutions, which covers transportation industry.

Here are some key aspects you might expect from Trimble Insight 2024:

  1. Keynote Speeches: Presentations by Trimble executives and industry leaders highlighting the latest trends and future directions in technology and solutions.

  2. Product Demonstrations: Live demos of new and existing Trimble products, showcasing their capabilities and applications.

  3. Breakout Sessions: Specialized sessions focusing on different industries and technologies, providing deeper insights and hands-on learning opportunities.

  4. Networking Opportunities: Events designed for attendees to connect with industry peers, experts, and Trimble representatives.

  5. Workshops and Training: Hands-on workshops and training sessions to help attendees maximize the use of Trimble products and solutions.

  6. Exhibitor Showcase: An area where partners and third-party vendors can display their complementary solutions and services.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Builder Pattern


Builder pattern allows the product construction in a step-by-step fashion. Though construction process can vary based on product type, it separates the construction of a complex object from its representation


It has four key actors (1) Product (2) Builder (3) Concrete Builder (4) Director.

1. Product is the complex object that the Builder pattern is responsible for constructing.

2. Builder is an interface or an abstract class that declares the construction steps for building a complex object.

3. ConcreteBuilder implements the interface to provide specific implementations for building each part of the product.

4. Director is responsible for managing the construction process of the complex object.


(1) Construction steps are defined in the Builder interface. 

(2) Concrete Builder implements the interface to provide specific implementations for building each part of the product. 

(3) Director is responsible for managing the construction

(4) Client class creates the Director object and passes the ConcreteBuilder object to the Director object.


public void Construct()












Builder design pattern is best suitable for any job execution framework, where the job execution steps are common, but the job execution order can vary like Quartz job scheduler in system programming.

In the given example, the builder pattern is used to create a laptop with different configurations.


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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Prototype Pattern


Prototype design pattern is a creational pattern to create new objects by copying an existing object, known as a prototype. This pattern is particularly useful when the cost of creating a new object is high or complex.


It has three key actors (1) Prototype Interface (2) Concrete Prototype (3) Client.

  1. Prototype Interface provides a blueprint for creating new objects by specifying the cloning contract.
  2. Concrete Prototype is a class that implements the clone method with cloning logic specific to the class
  3. Abstract Product is a class to initiate the cloning process without being aware of the concrete classes involved.


Though prototype is similar to base/derived classes, it is more focused on object creation by cloning

  1. Design: Prototype pattern focuses on object creation by cloning, whereas a base class focuses on defining a common interface and shared behavior for derived classes.
  2. Flexibility: Prototype is more flexible when it comes to creating objects dynamically at runtime, while base classes are more static and defined at compile-time.

As a side effect, it is not advisable to use prototype pattern when objects are immutable (unchangeable) and do not need variations,


End user promotes a clear separation between the creation of product families with cars and their specifications. It has the following key steps:

  1. Create Prototype interface for concrete class with clone operation.
  2. Create concrete prototype class with member wise cloning from the above interface.
  3. Client class to create new objects by cloning the prototype object.


public interface IObjectPrototype


IObjectPrototype Clone();




Prototype is best fit when object creation is complex and resource-intensive- classic example is Microsoft Word.  When users create a new document, they often start from a template in Microsoft Word. 

Prototype pattern helps to clone a template document instead of creating a new document from scratch.


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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Abstract Factory Pattern


Abstract Factory Pattern is another layer of abstraction over Factory pattern. It is used to create families of related objects without specifying their concrete classes. 

It provides an interface for creating objects in a superclass but allows subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created.


It has four key actors as below

  1. Abstract Factory is an interface for creating a family of related objects, but it does not specify the concrete classes of the objects to be created.
  2. Concrete Factory is a class that implements the Abstract Factory interface to create a family of related objects.
  3. Abstract Product is an interface for a type of product. 
  4. Concrete Product is a class that implements the Abstract Product interface to create a specific type of product.


End user promotes a clear separation between the creation of product families with cars and their specifications. It has the following key steps:

  • Create an interface for the Abstract Factory with a method to create a family of related objects.
  • Create an interface for the Abstract Product with a method to describe the product.
  • Create a Concrete Factory class that implements the Abstract Factory interface to create a family of related objects.
  • Create a Concrete Product class that implements the Abstract Product interface to describe the product.
  • Create a client class that uses the Abstract Factory and Abstract Product interfaces to create and describe a family of related objects.


Classic real-life example of Abstract Factory pattern is GUI toolkit like button, checkbox, menu across different operating systems like Windows, Linux Mac.


Though Factory and Abstract Factory look similar, it has significant differences

Factory pattern has three key elements 

  1. create objects without mentioning exact class 
  2. single product type focus with less complexity
  3. lower-level abstraction

Abstract factory pattern has the following key elements

  1. create family of related objects without specification 
  2. multiple product type focus with more complexity
  3. higher level abstraction


Code repository

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Factory Pattern

Factory pattern is one of the most used creational design pattern in real world applications, like DB, Logging frameworks. It is used to create objects based on a common interface.

Without Factory

End user is responsible for creating the object by directly instantiating the class based on the input type during its construction.  It has limitation of tightly coupling, limited scalability and single responsibility violation.


if (carModel == 1)


_evCar = new Tesla();



With Factory

Two key actors in Factory design (1) underlying product (2) creator factory. Both actors are driven by interface with multiple derived classes.

It is a design pattern that provides an interface for creating objects in a superclass,  but allows subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created.


ICarFactory carFactory = new CarFactory();

_evCar = carFactory.GetCar(carModel);



The Factory pattern is useful when you need to create an object based on a specific input or condition. It has few design advantages like: decoupling of creation logic with client usage, code reusability, scalability with extensibility and single responsibility principle.


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Saturday, August 24, 2024

Singleton Pattern

One of the easiest models, used in Creational design pattern


It is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object. 

This is useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across the system.


I can think of a few scenarios where the Singleton pattern is useful.

On usage of a shared resource, like a database connection, or a logger, Singleton pattern makes sure that it has one instance of that resource.


When you need to have a single instance of a class, and you want to provide a global point of access to the object.

It can be instantiated in two ways, either lazy or eager.

1. Eager instantiation is when the object is created when the class is loaded.

2. Lazy instantiation is when the object is created only when it is needed.


private static readonly Lazy<Singleton> _instance = 

            new Lazy<Singleton>(() => new Singleton());



Key components of Singleton pattern are:

1. Static member: 

Static member ensures that memory is allocated only once, preserving the single instance of the Singleton class.


private static Singleton instance;


2. Private constructor:

Private constructor ensures that the class cannot be instantiated from outside the class.


private Singleton() {}


3. Public static method:

Public static method provides a global point of access to the Singleton object.


public static Singleton Instance




return _instance.Value;





Code repository: DesignCreational/singleton at main · gsenthilvel/DesignCreational (