A hat-trick or hat trick in sport is the achievement of a positive feat three times during a game, or other achievements based on threes. The term was first used in 1858 in cricket to describe HH Stephenson's feat of taking three wickets in three balls.
Month of March 2012 is suitable for number '3' in my life.
Here are few interesting professional facts:
- Blogged the first 3 technical hits in IIS 7 for last 3 weeks, based on work experience
- Earned 3rd position for the first time in CodeProject's Top Experts this month
- Chief Guest for the national conferences 3 in a row in this month
- Positioned 3rd in CodeProject Top Expert in last 24hrs
- 3rd year, since the loss of dream team 'RUFUS'
On the lighter side, March is 3rd month of the year and Today popular 3 movie (kolai veri) release. Interesting magic number '3'.
Fun apart, will be back with the technical contents to clarify the black box of 'Architecture', as the foot steps of industry legends like Martin Fowler.