Sunday, May 24, 2015

Amazon Cloud Free Tier

Amazon Web Service (AWS) Free Tier is now designed to enable you to get hands-on experience with AWS at no charge for 12 months after you sign up.

AWS Marketplace offers more than 700 free and paid software products that run on the AWS Free Tier. If you qualify for the AWS Free Tier, you can use these products on an Amazon EC2 t2.micro instance for up to 750 hours per month and pay no additional charges for the Amazon EC2 instance (during the 12 months).  Software charges may still apply for paid software.

After creating your AWS account you can use any of the 21 products and services, listed below, for free within certain usage limits.  Few samples are:
  • Amazon EC2: 750 hours per month
  • Amazon S3: 5 GB of Standard Storage; 20,000 Get Requests; 2,000 Put Requests
  • Amazon DynamoDB: 25 GB of Storage; 25 Units of Write Capacity; 25 Units of Read Capacity
  • AWS Lamda: 1,000,000 free requests per month; Up to 3.2 million seconds of compute time per month
  • AWS Key Management Service: 20,000 free requests per month

These free tiers are only available to new AWS customers, and are available for 12 months following your AWS sign-up date. You will not be eligible for the Offer if you or your organization create(s) more than one account to receive additional benefits under the Offer or if the new account is included in Consolidated Billing. You will be charged standard rates for use of AWS services if we determine that you are not eligible for the Offer.

You can sign up today to automatically take advantage of AWS’s free tier at