Saturday, April 22, 2023


This week blog is quite interesting, which is in alignment with the industry trend "Artificial Intelligence."

As you know, OpenAI supports node & python in native way.  

It's the maiden attempt to build ChatGPT using .NET and so seeking your usage feedback.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Why is Cross platform

Historically, platform & mobile software developments were isolated with different technology frameworks.  As an example, desktop software is built using Windows form, web apps are using web form. In terms of mobile app development, iOS is using objective C/swift whereas android uses java.  

Typically, a developer will need to learn and master each platform’s specific development language and software frameworks.  It drives the development/business need to allow one shared language that could be used across multiple platforms and mobile devices.  

As noted above, Microsoft’s .NET unified platform roadmap/strategy is one of the best testimonies, which was highlighted in their recent annual tech conference.  

In this alignment, Micorsoft’s Xamarin is uplifted to Multi-platform App UI (MAUI), which builds native, cross-platform desktop and mobile apps all in one framework.

Friday, April 7, 2023

What is Cross platform

In the last 5 decades, IT computing has evolved dramatically from Mainframe (COBOL) to Artificial Intelligence/Machine Language (OpenAI).

It's no longer just about installing hardware or software; beyond this ecosystem named "Mobile devices".

Wikipedia defines mobile devices as "a computer small enough to hold and operate in the hand, which typically have a flat LCD or OLED screen, a touchscreen interface, and digital or physical buttons"

In the last two decades, the world has seen an explosion of mobile devices like phones, tablets, and now wearables. It generates great opportunities for mobile hardware and most importantly software systems.

Cross platform refers to a single solution which fits across various platforms like windows, web and mobile. Cross mobile refers to multiple mobile devices like android, iOS.