Saturday, March 24, 2012

Third Hit IIS7

Here is the hat trick (3rd hit) problem on upgrading the internal/tool application from IIS 6 to IIS 7 version. In the classic ASP pool, when we run the ASP page, IIS 7 throws the below error:

Error 500 :There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.

It made me to try a lot of permutation as the error in the tool code. However, it doesn’t tell me the line number the error was found on. After searching the web, it has been found out how to turn on the more detailed error reporting for classic ASP in IIS 7; but you have to do it on the webserver.

We need to turn the below changes in the web.config file. I know this can be turn on for ASP.NET in the web.config file but as far as I know, not classic asp.

    httperrors errormode="Detailed"
    asp scripterrorsenttobrowser="true"

Hat trick wickets on opening spell of IIS 7. At the same time, itz happy learning!

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