Saturday, November 10, 2018

Talend Stitch

Five years back, I came to know about Talend as open source ETL product in conjunction with Pentaho.  It was part of my earlier assignment to evluate the open source ETL product against Informatica. Talend expands its business base in greater focus.

Yday, there was an industry news that Talend is buying  Stitch, a 2-year old Philadelphia-based spinoff of RJ Metrics for $60 million in cash.

Stitch offers a cloud-based self-service offering that automates data ingestion pipelines into the cloud. It's an emerging space where the closest competitors are Alooma and Fivetran, but also where Confluent and StreamSets play. In its two years, Stitch has already built a customer base exceeding 1000 customers

Talend has not yet announced a closing date for the deal.