Friday, August 30, 2019

Amazon CloudWatch Container

Container deployment is the action of putting containers to use. The deployment of containers uses management software that simplifies the launch and updates of applications. It provides fast access to environments and speeds up development because secure containers can be quickly downloaded and put to use. Container deployment also minimizes errors because it reduces the number of moving parts in development.

By contrast containers are relatively short-lived, and usually subject to continuous deployment. This can make it difficult to reliably collect monitoring data and to analyze performance or other issues, which in turn affects remediation time. In addition builders have to resort to a disparate collection of tools to perform this analysis and inspection, manually correlating context across a set of infrastructure and application metrics, logs, and other traces.

Today, Amazon announced that Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights is generally available, with the added ability to now also monitor existing clusters. Immediate insights into compute utilization and failures for both new and existing cluster infrastructure and containerized applications can be easily obtained from container management services including Kubernetes, Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes, Amazon ECS, and AWS Fargate.