Saturday, November 28, 2020

450 mark


Today I reached a milestone worth celebrating!   On checking the blog scorecard, noticed I had hit 450! 

That's ~143k hits, 30+ followers, 320 accolades in last 10+ consistent years effort.

Three key moves to keep it going are

  1. Passion for continuous learning and sharing
  2. Self challenge to motivate every day experience
  3. Consistency to work hard with your support

The next big milestone is 500+ mark.

As Gandhi said "Live as if you were to die tomorrow; Learn as if you were to live forever"


  1. Definitely a great milestone to look back and feel proud of Ganesan! Inspiring... 😊

  2. Definitely a great milestone to look back and feel proud of Ganesan! Inspiring... 😊

  3. Great milestone, very inspiring

  4. Glad to know. Significant progress.

  5. Passion for learning , self challenge nd Consistency.. Beyond that Time management nd successful results inspiring nd proud 2 say Keep Rocking Ganesa...
