Monday, June 10, 2024

WebGL safari browser

On getting "failed to initialize WebGL" error specifically on Safari, top-3 steps to resolve WebGL issues in Safari macOS

1. Enable WebGL in Safari

First, ensure WebGL is enabled in Safari. To check, you can type about:blank in the address bar, then from the menu bar select Develop > Experimental Features. Make sure there's a checkmark next to WebGL. If you don't see the Develop menu, you can enable it in Safari's preferences under Advanced > Show Develop menu in menu bar.

2. Update Safari and Graphics drivers

Ensure that both Safari and your macOS are updated to the latest versions. Apple frequently releases updates that can improve compatibility and performance for web technologies like WebGL.

Unlike Windows, macOS doesn't usually require manual graphics driver updates, as they are included with macOS updates. 

3. Enable Hardware Acceleration

Safari typically handles hardware acceleration automatically, but issues with WebGL might indicate a problem. Verify your system's hardware acceleration settings by checking for any relevant software updates and ensuring your system is configured for optimal performance.

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