Tuesday, March 12, 2019

30th Anniversary

On March 12, 1989, Tim Berners-Lee had submitted the 'Information Management: A Proposal' to his boss which is celebrated as the day World Wide Web (www).  Today is 30th anniversary of World Wide Web.

Initially, he envisioned as a large hypertext database with typed links namely "Mesh", which helps his colleagues at CERT to share the information amongst multiple computers.

The Web was made public in April 1993.  As post graduate student, still I remember this disruptive year and the related debate with my college friends.

It's popularity started spreading from November with the launch of Mosaic, the first search engine to accept pictures.  It revolutionized the web, making it user friendly.

Mosaic was later replaced by Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, etc.  World recorded 400+ million internet users in 2000.  Look at the growth of "one internet minute" in 2018.

Today, Tim hailed the opportunities the web had created, giving marginalized groups a voice and making daily life easier.  He quoted "If we give up on building a better web now, then the web will not have failed us.  We will have failed the web"


  1. Good read and very informative, particularly infographic on Internet minute is interesting.

  2. Going by Tim's comment that we would have failed the web, i think he truly had envisioned the far reaching impact of www when he came up with his proposal.

    Nice write up.

  3. Great day to remember and a very nice read.

  4. It's great piece of information which everyone one of us should be knowing. Thanks for sharing us this blog with Internet Minute metric which is very good.
